Monday, August 2, 2010

One mans trash... Another mans treasure

Bulk trash pick-up day!
Every third Monday of the month we are super lucky to have bulk trash pick up. The rules are that you cannot have the trash on your curb more than 3 days before pick up, and that it can be one pile the size of a Volkswagon Beetle.

The pile shown in this picture is spread out for better passerby viewing... and believe it or not this picture was taken after many items were already taken. The things people will take amazed me!

We had a disatrous front & back yard when we moved in... but Ben and I actually found it quite rewarding to get down and dirty cleaning it up. Here are the results so far:

In major need of raking, weeding, and trimming!


The backyard was turned into a literal dump by the previous owners. This is the place where we came up with all the trash for the bulk pick-up. We trimmed shrubs, took down a chain link fence, dislodged beer bottle caps from the dirt, and the list goes on!


We've had many bonfires in the backyard in order to burn tree trimmings, and other items that there just wasn't enough room in the trash for.

Now that the yard is cleaned up it is much less of an eye sore. Of course we will landscape it beautifully but that is not our next step. Next step: moving inside to clean it up and prep it for some major carpentry work. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Wow...what an overhaul of the yard! I can't imagine how much labor went into that. Nice job excited to see the next phase in the project!

  2. hey, i'm one of marshall's friend's wives. i know we've met before, but you probably don't remember.

    i love that you're documenting all of this, and i can't wait to see how it turns out. i'm in shock at how people treat their homes...and how much crap they left behind! good luck with everything!

  3. Hi Brit this is Kapri Clawson. Hope you don't mind I LOVE looking at this blog! You totally need to print this blog and leave it in the house when/if you go. Oh and I'm totally jealous of the rodeos you have so close to home!

  4. looks great--reminds me of Ladd and I working on the house when we were dating. Cant wait to see more pics of your great work.
